Prophet's Temperment
The Holy Founder of Islam (peace be upon him) was 63 at the time of his death. He was raised as Prophet at the age of 40. He devoted the whole of his life to the service of God. Born an orphan without any riches, he died a king leaving no wealth behind. He never ate a full meal all his life nor wore a rich garment. His house was a mud hut, his court room was the mosque and his throne was its dusty floor. His bed was made of straw, his own arm, his pillow. For months there was no smoke in the chimney of his house. There was nothing to cook. The family lived on dates or goat's milk or would go hungry. His wives had no maidservants, no silk, no jewellery. Their raiment was as simple as their resources were scanty. The Prophet kept no gold or silver with him. He gave away to the poor all that he received. There was nothing in the house when he died except a small quantity of barley.
He marched on Mecca with 10,000 believers. Mecca had treated him cruelly. The city was at his mercy. It begged for mercy. He granted it readily. For, so had God willed, though he knew well that some of his companions had suffered terribly at the hands of Meccans. Bilal the African was one of them. He had been treated with utmost cruelty. The Prophet wisely gave him the duty of calling Meccans to the flag of peace.
A few days before his death, the Prophet said to the companions, "If I have wronged anyone, let him have his revenge.” All were in tears. One man came forward. He said the Prophet had hit him once; he had passed by him and dug his elbow in his side. The Prophet bared his back and asked him to hurt him as he had been hurt. The companions were taken aback. The man bent and kissed the Prophet's bare back. All were surprised. The man wanted to have this last pleasure since the Prophet was not to be among them very long.
Others on the Prophet
Even the enemies of the Prophet spoke highly of his virtues. When Heraclius the Christian Emperor of the Byzantines received the Prophet's letter, he asked if an Arab caravan was in town. Abu Sufiyan, a Meccan chief, happened to be there. He was called to the court. The Emperor put some questions to him. At the end of the questioning Heraclius said. Heraclius said at the end:
"I first asked you about his family. You said he belonged to a noble family. Prophets always come of noble families. I then asked if any one before him had made a similar claim. You said no. I put this question because I thought if someone had done so he was merely following his example. I asked you if he had ever lied before. You said he did not. It was clear to me that a man who would not lie to men would never lie about God. I asked you if any of his forefathers was a ruler. You said, `No'. I then understood that his claim was not made to recover an old kingdom. I next asked if his followers were powerful and rich or poor and humble. You said they were mostly poor and humble. So are generally the followers of prophets. I then asked if their numbers were increasing or decreasing. You said that they were increasing. The followers of prophets are always on increase. I asked you if he had every played false. You said, `No.' And this is the way of good men. It seems to me that he is a true prophet. I was half expecting that he would appear in our time but had no idea that he would be an Arab. If what you have told is true, then his kingdom will extend over these lands."
Quran And Bible
The stories in the Qur'an often contain few details and tend to concentrate more on the moral or spiritual significance of the story. Some Muslims may turn to the Bible to give a fuller picture of the person concerned. However there are guidelines set out in the way Muslims are to understand the Bible, the primary one being that the Qur'an is always more authoritative than the Bible. Therefore, anything in the Bible that agrees with the Qur`an is accepted, and anything in the Bible that disagrees with the Qur`an is rejected.
Friday, 22 June 2007
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Why Lionheart Is NOT Knight From Christ
I was recently on Lionhearts blog, mainly to cheer myself up by laughing at his posts when I came upon a post titled “A Message to the Queen” which states why Islam is a threat and that Lionheart himself is a Knight sent from Christ. In this article I will try to discredit and prove why I do not think he is a Knight from God, even thou I am sure most of you won’t believe anything that comes from a “Moslem”.
Examples of Christianity and Islam together.
The Lebanon has been home to Muslims and Christians and the Politics of Lebanon are set out so every major religion in the country is represented equally. The Christian community of the country has also very surprisingly has a favorable opinion of organizations such as Hezbollah
(Read it here When the Muslims were persecuted by the Meccans The prophet sent them to Abyssinia where a Christian King ruled. He allowed the Muslims stay stating that “the difference between you [Islam] and I [Christianity] is as thin as this line” and he scratched a line in marble. Muslims think of Jesus as a prophet second only to Muhammad himself and regard Jesus in very high esteem.
Why Lionheart is not a Knight of Christ
For the Christians out there, look at Lionhearts articles, does it seem what he is saying is what God would want. Does it seem that God has chosen him to kill Muslims in Britain? We are not planning to blow up Dunstable or Luton, some in out faith are using Islam to convey their racist ideas just like some in Christianity are doing the same. Christ’s message was one of tolerance and peace, men like Lionheart (he ain't really a man) are the reason we have extremists. IF Lionheart was following the work of Christ he would be preaching peace and tolerance, not fighting an enemy that is not there. Many Muslims born here see themselves as British Muslims, Muslims of the west. I see myself as a citizen of this country and love this land. I conclude, do not single out a religion because of the actions of some of its believers as they are not true Muslims.
Examples of Christianity and Islam together.
The Lebanon has been home to Muslims and Christians and the Politics of Lebanon are set out so every major religion in the country is represented equally. The Christian community of the country has also very surprisingly has a favorable opinion of organizations such as Hezbollah
(Read it here When the Muslims were persecuted by the Meccans The prophet sent them to Abyssinia where a Christian King ruled. He allowed the Muslims stay stating that “the difference between you [Islam] and I [Christianity] is as thin as this line” and he scratched a line in marble. Muslims think of Jesus as a prophet second only to Muhammad himself and regard Jesus in very high esteem.
Why Lionheart is not a Knight of Christ
For the Christians out there, look at Lionhearts articles, does it seem what he is saying is what God would want. Does it seem that God has chosen him to kill Muslims in Britain? We are not planning to blow up Dunstable or Luton, some in out faith are using Islam to convey their racist ideas just like some in Christianity are doing the same. Christ’s message was one of tolerance and peace, men like Lionheart (he ain't really a man) are the reason we have extremists. IF Lionheart was following the work of Christ he would be preaching peace and tolerance, not fighting an enemy that is not there. Many Muslims born here see themselves as British Muslims, Muslims of the west. I see myself as a citizen of this country and love this land. I conclude, do not single out a religion because of the actions of some of its believers as they are not true Muslims.
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
newGeneration- murder of PC Jon Henry

I was on Lionheart's blog again and saw a new article about the unfortunate murder of pc John Henry in Luton on Monday 11th of June, here is the link to it . As I read the article I was disappointed to see that Lionheart used a horrific incident like the stabbing of a Police officer and tried to use it to make the Muslim Community of Luton look like they had orchestrated it.
Lionheart continued in his article by writing:
"The streets of Luton have become so dangerous that stabbings and murders are fairly common place now."
I by this time was so used 2 the bizarre theories of Mr. Lionheart that I wasn't shocked, but amused. I have lived in Luton my whole life and never have stabbings and murders been common place, Luton like most city's has its problems but to say that Luton's problems stem from the Pakistani heroin dealers and Al-Qaeda operatives is absurd. The criminal underworld of Luton is a minority and made up off many ethnic backgrounds so to blame one group of people is racist even if Lionheart does not want to admit it.
Even though the man who stabbed PC Henry was not Muslim Lionheart has a theory that shows that the Pakistani Muslims are to blame just for the incident just as they are to blame for everything else in Britain. Lionheart wrote:
"One only wonders if this murderer was a drug addict because if he was then this murder can be traced back to the Islamic Kingdom as they control the supply of Class A drugs on the streets of Luton & Dunstable."
I will be honest and admit that long ago when I was a teenager (not that long ago then)I did sample some Marijuana, I purchased this from a white non-Muslim man, yes, horrors of horrer (I can imagine lionheart pissing himself with rage) that a white man would dare sell drugs in Luton. But I also know of Black men that sell drugs as I also know of many Pakistani's that sell drugs. So I will take the chance of informing Lionheart MUSLIMS ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES CAPABLE OF SELLING DRUGS.
Muslim Leaders have laid flowers at the site of the murder to show the support of the community and to show they share the grief of the family of PC Henry. People like Lionheart are not doing anyone any favors by using the incident into a political debate on why Muslims are destroying Luton and Britain.
Lionheart continued in his article by writing:
"The streets of Luton have become so dangerous that stabbings and murders are fairly common place now."
I by this time was so used 2 the bizarre theories of Mr. Lionheart that I wasn't shocked, but amused. I have lived in Luton my whole life and never have stabbings and murders been common place, Luton like most city's has its problems but to say that Luton's problems stem from the Pakistani heroin dealers and Al-Qaeda operatives is absurd. The criminal underworld of Luton is a minority and made up off many ethnic backgrounds so to blame one group of people is racist even if Lionheart does not want to admit it.
Even though the man who stabbed PC Henry was not Muslim Lionheart has a theory that shows that the Pakistani Muslims are to blame just for the incident just as they are to blame for everything else in Britain. Lionheart wrote:
"One only wonders if this murderer was a drug addict because if he was then this murder can be traced back to the Islamic Kingdom as they control the supply of Class A drugs on the streets of Luton & Dunstable."
I will be honest and admit that long ago when I was a teenager (not that long ago then)I did sample some Marijuana, I purchased this from a white non-Muslim man, yes, horrors of horrer (I can imagine lionheart pissing himself with rage) that a white man would dare sell drugs in Luton. But I also know of Black men that sell drugs as I also know of many Pakistani's that sell drugs. So I will take the chance of informing Lionheart MUSLIMS ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES CAPABLE OF SELLING DRUGS.
Muslim Leaders have laid flowers at the site of the murder to show the support of the community and to show they share the grief of the family of PC Henry. People like Lionheart are not doing anyone any favors by using the incident into a political debate on why Muslims are destroying Luton and Britain.
Monday, 18 June 2007
I started this blog because I was looking through the posts on this website when I came across a article about "A Message to the Queen " it was about how the "Moslems" are taking over in Luton, how they are funding Al-Qaeda terrorists by selling heroin on the streets of Luton and the article went on to describe most "Moslems" as criminal dope pushers who blow innocent people up because the Koran tells them to force Islam religion on others. How Pakistani gangs are supporting terrorism by committing crimes. The man who wrote the article has the user name Lionheart.
I am a Muslim, I live In Luton and I am a Pakistani. I ain't going to sit here and say "what a motherfucker" because even though it is exactly what I am thinking, when I looked into Lionhearts other posts I realized that he was, even though he was vehemently denying it, a racist. I am not going to sit here and say "Islam is a religion of Piece" because all of you out there have probably heard it before. It would be foolish of me to try and defend my Religion, my culture, my community from such racist attacks because the sane, tolerant people among you will realize that these attacks are so "fucked up" (excuse my French) that it’s obvious they are a product of hate and miss-guidance. It may shock some of you to know that I am a very young man in fact younger than many of you who will be reading this and even I must admit that not many young British Pakistani males in luton would respond to such statements and articles with an article of their own, in fact most would type a reader comment at the end of the article along the lines of "DIE MOTHER FUCKER DIE DIE U CUNT" which is what I wanted to do at first I have to admit.
The Paki's in Luton came over mostly in the 70's, my parents did, looking for work, they didn't jump the border, climb over a wall, or stow away on a ship, the British government gave them Visa's. So to firstly address those who say the "Moslems" are slowly invading our country, I'd like to say, its not invading if you invited us over here u stupid fuck (excuse the French again :D). Its also not much of an invasion when your main armed force is working in factories or kebab shops, which is what many Pakistanis where doing in the 70's. Also Lionheart talks about the Pakistani drug dealers that fund Al-Qaeda. I am not going to lie and say that none of us are drug dealers or we are a law abiding people because most of you would again know I am chatting shit. But there are some Pakistani's who do sell drugs and commit crimes, yet so do some white, black, and other non-Pakistani males in Britain, and the notion that they give the proceeds to Al-Qaeda is bullshit as I who have lived in Luton all my life know that the Drug Rings fill their own pockets and have few if no contacts outside their petty world. There are extremist in Luton, but they do not get their money from Drug Dealers, of this I can assure you. I think maybe Lionheart needs to live in Luton among us to learn more about us before judging us.
I am a Muslim, I live In Luton and I am a Pakistani. I ain't going to sit here and say "what a motherfucker" because even though it is exactly what I am thinking, when I looked into Lionhearts other posts I realized that he was, even though he was vehemently denying it, a racist. I am not going to sit here and say "Islam is a religion of Piece" because all of you out there have probably heard it before. It would be foolish of me to try and defend my Religion, my culture, my community from such racist attacks because the sane, tolerant people among you will realize that these attacks are so "fucked up" (excuse my French) that it’s obvious they are a product of hate and miss-guidance. It may shock some of you to know that I am a very young man in fact younger than many of you who will be reading this and even I must admit that not many young British Pakistani males in luton would respond to such statements and articles with an article of their own, in fact most would type a reader comment at the end of the article along the lines of "DIE MOTHER FUCKER DIE DIE U CUNT" which is what I wanted to do at first I have to admit.
The Paki's in Luton came over mostly in the 70's, my parents did, looking for work, they didn't jump the border, climb over a wall, or stow away on a ship, the British government gave them Visa's. So to firstly address those who say the "Moslems" are slowly invading our country, I'd like to say, its not invading if you invited us over here u stupid fuck (excuse the French again :D). Its also not much of an invasion when your main armed force is working in factories or kebab shops, which is what many Pakistanis where doing in the 70's. Also Lionheart talks about the Pakistani drug dealers that fund Al-Qaeda. I am not going to lie and say that none of us are drug dealers or we are a law abiding people because most of you would again know I am chatting shit. But there are some Pakistani's who do sell drugs and commit crimes, yet so do some white, black, and other non-Pakistani males in Britain, and the notion that they give the proceeds to Al-Qaeda is bullshit as I who have lived in Luton all my life know that the Drug Rings fill their own pockets and have few if no contacts outside their petty world. There are extremist in Luton, but they do not get their money from Drug Dealers, of this I can assure you. I think maybe Lionheart needs to live in Luton among us to learn more about us before judging us.
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