I was on Lionheart's blog again and saw a new article about the unfortunate murder of pc John Henry in Luton on Monday 11th of June, here is the link to it http://lionheartuk.blogspot.com/2007/06/luton-finest-brave-fallen-hero.html . As I read the article I was disappointed to see that Lionheart used a horrific incident like the stabbing of a Police officer and tried to use it to make the Muslim Community of Luton look like they had orchestrated it.
Lionheart continued in his article by writing:
"The streets of Luton have become so dangerous that stabbings and murders are fairly common place now."
I by this time was so used 2 the bizarre theories of Mr. Lionheart that I wasn't shocked, but amused. I have lived in Luton my whole life and never have stabbings and murders been common place, Luton like most city's has its problems but to say that Luton's problems stem from the Pakistani heroin dealers and Al-Qaeda operatives is absurd. The criminal underworld of Luton is a minority and made up off many ethnic backgrounds so to blame one group of people is racist even if Lionheart does not want to admit it.
Even though the man who stabbed PC Henry was not Muslim Lionheart has a theory that shows that the Pakistani Muslims are to blame just for the incident just as they are to blame for everything else in Britain. Lionheart wrote:
"One only wonders if this murderer was a drug addict because if he was then this murder can be traced back to the Islamic Kingdom as they control the supply of Class A drugs on the streets of Luton & Dunstable."
I will be honest and admit that long ago when I was a teenager (not that long ago then)I did sample some Marijuana, I purchased this from a white non-Muslim man, yes, horrors of horrer (I can imagine lionheart pissing himself with rage) that a white man would dare sell drugs in Luton. But I also know of Black men that sell drugs as I also know of many Pakistani's that sell drugs. So I will take the chance of informing Lionheart MUSLIMS ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES CAPABLE OF SELLING DRUGS.
Muslim Leaders have laid flowers at the site of the murder to show the support of the community and to show they share the grief of the family of PC Henry. People like Lionheart are not doing anyone any favors by using the incident into a political debate on why Muslims are destroying Luton and Britain.
Lionheart continued in his article by writing:
"The streets of Luton have become so dangerous that stabbings and murders are fairly common place now."
I by this time was so used 2 the bizarre theories of Mr. Lionheart that I wasn't shocked, but amused. I have lived in Luton my whole life and never have stabbings and murders been common place, Luton like most city's has its problems but to say that Luton's problems stem from the Pakistani heroin dealers and Al-Qaeda operatives is absurd. The criminal underworld of Luton is a minority and made up off many ethnic backgrounds so to blame one group of people is racist even if Lionheart does not want to admit it.
Even though the man who stabbed PC Henry was not Muslim Lionheart has a theory that shows that the Pakistani Muslims are to blame just for the incident just as they are to blame for everything else in Britain. Lionheart wrote:
"One only wonders if this murderer was a drug addict because if he was then this murder can be traced back to the Islamic Kingdom as they control the supply of Class A drugs on the streets of Luton & Dunstable."
I will be honest and admit that long ago when I was a teenager (not that long ago then)I did sample some Marijuana, I purchased this from a white non-Muslim man, yes, horrors of horrer (I can imagine lionheart pissing himself with rage) that a white man would dare sell drugs in Luton. But I also know of Black men that sell drugs as I also know of many Pakistani's that sell drugs. So I will take the chance of informing Lionheart MUSLIMS ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES CAPABLE OF SELLING DRUGS.
Muslim Leaders have laid flowers at the site of the murder to show the support of the community and to show they share the grief of the family of PC Henry. People like Lionheart are not doing anyone any favors by using the incident into a political debate on why Muslims are destroying Luton and Britain.
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